Nose Work Class Descriptions
Intro to K9 Nose Work I
This class introduces dog/handler teams to the game of K9 Nose Work. Dogs learn to hunt with the “box game” using treats or toys. As the dog’s hunting skill is increased, handlers learn how to read their dog’s body language. Dogs work individually and then rest in their crates between runs. Handlers are encouraged to watch the other teams work to help strengthen their own skills as a handler. This class builds search skills indoors, adding difficulty to the box searches by adding other objects and elevated hide locations.
Prerequisites: Puppies must have received 2 sets of puppy vaccinations, not including Rabies. Adult dogs must be fully vaccinated.
Intro to K9 Nose Work II
This class continues with box work and starts to add environmental items for the dog/handler teams to search. Teams begin to search chairs, desks, tables, cabinets, high and low hides etc. Exterior and vehicle searches will also be introduced. This class focuses on continuing to build the dog's drive to search, their stamina for longer searches and exposes them to new search areas. The handler continues working on leash skills, learning to read their dog and scent theory. The handler is now rewarding the dog and will learn and practice proper rewarding techniques.
Prerequisites: Intro to K9 Nose Work 1 or permission of instructor or Obedience Director
Intro to Exteriors/Vehicles
Intro to Odor
Exterior and vehicle searches are part of the sport of K9 Nose Work. This class introduces the dog/handler team to searches outside in natural areas and on vehicles. These are new skills for both the dog and handler to learn. By this time, the teams have been introduced to scent theory and will now gain practical experience working scent from vehicles and outdoors. The class focuses on developing search skills in both exterior areas and on a variety of vehicles.
Prerequisites: Intro to K9 Nose Work 2 or permission of instructor or Obedience Director |
This class begins to transfer the dogs’ desire to search for its primary reward of food to odor (essential oils: birch, anise and clove). The handler continues to fine tune their leash handling and rewarding techniques. They continue to develop their reward timing and placement which becomes more important as the primary reward is faded out. The class returns to interior searches as well as, exteriors and vehicles. Teams are prepared for competition, the odor recognition test
Prerequisites: Intro to Exteriors/Vehicles or permission of instructor or Obedience Director |
Advanced K9 Nose Work
This class is for dogs and handlers who have successfully completed NW 1 & 2 as well as Intro to Odor. Teams are now searching for odor alone, and can be on birch, anise and/or clove. Teams will gain experience in all 4 elements. Teams who wish to compete will be working on trial skills. As this is an individual sport, each run is tailored to each dog/handler team.
Prerequisites: Intro to Odor or permission of instructor or Obedience Director.