Introductory Companion Dog Obedience Classes
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy
Socialization, Training, Activity, and Responsible Ownership
Socialization, Training, Activity, and Responsible Ownership
For puppies 9 weeks to 5 months. If you have a puppy and want to make sure you are starting off on the right foot to get a well-mannered dog look no further than this S.T.A.R. Puppy class! This course will work on all the basic behaviors your puppy will need to live as a polite member of society, such as walking politely on a leash, sitting and laying down on command, and being handled by you, as well as others, impulse control (wait), and restrained recalls (come), tips on house-training, socialization, problem solving for undesirable behaviors.
If you ever thought about making your dog a therapy dog this is a great place to start! The first few months are when we set them up for who they will be for the rest of their life. Let’s get them off on the right foot! At the end of this class, we will test your dog for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy certification. So not only will your puppy learn some great skills, but they will also be eligible to test for certification, all before they are a year old! Interested in continuing training? The next step is Beginner Obedience 1.
If you ever thought about making your dog a therapy dog this is a great place to start! The first few months are when we set them up for who they will be for the rest of their life. Let’s get them off on the right foot! At the end of this class, we will test your dog for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy certification. So not only will your puppy learn some great skills, but they will also be eligible to test for certification, all before they are a year old! Interested in continuing training? The next step is Beginner Obedience 1.
Prerequisites: Puppies must have received at least one set of vaccinations, not including rabies. Kennel Cough and Flu vaccines are recommended. There are no training prerequisites. An evaluation may be required. Puppies must be at least eight weeks old at the start of class, and less than a year old to be eligible to test for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy certification.
Beginner 1
Basic Training for Adult Dogs
Basic Training for Adult Dogs
This is the next step in training puppies who have completed the AKC STAR Puppy class or the first step for dogs over 5 months of age. Topics covered include sit, stay, down, impulse control (wait), restrained recalls (come), and loose leash walking. For those dogs and handlers starting at the Beginner level, these skills are introduced. For dogs and handlers who have completed the Puppy class, these foundational skills are reinforced and strengthened. Problem solving for undesirable behaviors: e.g. jumping up, pulling on leash, and chewing and attention to developmental stages during adolescence. Interested in continuing training? The next step is Beginner Obedience 2.
Prerequisites: Adult dogs must be vaccinated. There are no training prerequisites. An evaluation may be required.
Beginner 2
Basic Training for Adult Dogs
Basic Training for Adult Dogs
This is the next step in training puppies and dogs who have completed Beginner Obedience 1. Level of difficulty and distractions will be added to the topics covered in Beginner obedience 1 including sit, stay, down, impulse control (wait), and restrained recalls (come). Proofing taught behaviors and sequences of behaviors including loose leash walking, place and leave it. Problem solving for undesirable behaviors: e.g. jumping up, pulling on leash, and chewing and attention to developmental stages during adolescence. Interested in continuing training? The next step is Intermediate Obedience.
Prerequisites: Adult dogs must be vaccinated. Beginner 1. An evaluation may be required.
Canine Good Citizenship Preparation
Continuation of Beginner 2: including further development of sit, down, stay, impulse control (wait), and recalls (come). Introducing higher level obedience behaviors: heel, eye contact, and continuing to add distraction and difficulty to all obedience cues. Skills necessary to obtain the AKC Canine Good Citizen title will be introduced and practiced.
Canine Good Citizenship Preparation
Continuation of Beginner 2: including further development of sit, down, stay, impulse control (wait), and recalls (come). Introducing higher level obedience behaviors: heel, eye contact, and continuing to add distraction and difficulty to all obedience cues. Skills necessary to obtain the AKC Canine Good Citizen title will be introduced and practiced.
Prerequisites: Beginner 2 or permission of the instructor or Obedience Director
Specialty Companion Dog Classes
Advanced Family Dog
This is a higher level obedience class for handlers interested in continuing obedience skills to competition level but have no desire to compete. Skills include focus and engagement, heeling, recalls and distractions in real world settings. The goal is to have a well-behaved dog in many places, not just in class. Training will be outside in local parks when weather allows and at other times at the Training Center indoors. You will also practice the skills needed to pass AKC Community Canine and Urban Canine evaluations. This class is not open to reactive dogs.
Prerequisites: Permission from instructor.
Trick Dog
This class will teach the skills needed to earn AKC Trick Dog titles – Novice, Intermediate and
Advanced. You will learn training methods such as luring, capturing, and shaping to teach your
dog tricks using positive reinforcement. It is another opportunity to build a fun working rapport
with your dog. It is recommended that handlers check the AKC website for more information on
Trick Dog requirements and levels of certification. Dogs enrolled in the class may be working at
different levels.
Advanced. You will learn training methods such as luring, capturing, and shaping to teach your
dog tricks using positive reinforcement. It is another opportunity to build a fun working rapport
with your dog. It is recommended that handlers check the AKC website for more information on
Trick Dog requirements and levels of certification. Dogs enrolled in the class may be working at
different levels.
Prerequisites: Beginner II or permission from instructor or Obedience Director
Rally for Fun
This is a non-competitive class. Rally is a fun way of building understanding of obedience
elements. It is for handlers who enjoy learning and working with their dogs but may not have the
desire to show their dogs in trials. Using the Rally signs handlers fine tune obedience skills
learned in the beginner classes. We also work on rear and front end awareness skills,
engagement games, building a positive relationship with your partner.
elements. It is for handlers who enjoy learning and working with their dogs but may not have the
desire to show their dogs in trials. Using the Rally signs handlers fine tune obedience skills
learned in the beginner classes. We also work on rear and front end awareness skills,
engagement games, building a positive relationship with your partner.
Prerequisites: Beginner II or permission from instructor or Obedience Director
Intro to Animal Therapy/CGC
Always wanted your dog to become a therapy dog, but never knew how to go about it? This class is your first a two-step process in learning how you and your dog can become an AIR Dog, or a certified Attitudes In Reverse therapy dog. Learn the legal classifications of support animals; i.e., Emotional Support Animal, Therapy Dog, and Working Service Dog. We will discuss the benefits of therapy dogs, how to get started, and where they can expect to visit once they are certified. You can read more about the differences between the types here: Therapy dogs vs Support Dogs. There will be an introduction of the skills your dog will need when they do their therapy work and to earn their CGC, such as greeting people politely, coming when called, and reacting calmly to distractions. You will also receive tips for how to get involved in therapy work and make the most of your future therapy dog visits. Not all dogs are suited to therapy work, however. At the end of this course, your dog is eligible to take the AKC CGC test, as long as they are at least a year old by the date of testing.
Prerequisites: Beginner and Intermediate classes
Therapy Dog Evaluation Prep Class
This class is designed for dogs that have a handle on their basic obedience and manners. The Prep Class will involve more in-depth work with medical equipment, polite greetings with people on crutches, walkers, and/or canes. Learn the proper way for YOUR dog to “visit” with someone in a wheelchair or aided by other medical equipment. Focus on “professional” walking. Your dog must be as professional as you when going into public facilities. You and your dog will be “partnered” with a certified test dog to prepare for visits with other dogs.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be at least 1 year of age and MUST have completed Intro to Animal Therapy/CGC Class. No exceptions.
Reactive Dog Class
The focus of this class is to teach obedience and manners to dogs that are reactive in the presence of other dogs. What is a Reactive dog? It is one that shows aggression by barking, growling or leaping towards other dogs. We will help give handlers the skills needed to get their dog to focus on them as well as trust them. The dogs will learn to tolerate being in the company of other dogs. Obedience will be the primary tool used.
Please Note: We cannot accept dogs that are aggressive towards humans.
Please Note: We cannot accept dogs that are aggressive towards humans.