Speciality Class Descriptions
Speciality Class Descriptions
Master Challenge
This class is designed for the dog and handler who want to dissect and analyze. Long and short sequences are worked multiple ways to explore what works best for each dog and handler team. Lots of international elements (backsides, threadles, pull-thrus, difficult weave entries, etc.). Focus is on each team’s skill level and pushing boundaries! Multiple options on sequences are discussed. Short sets may be used to develop new skills and eliminate weak areas.
Young Dog with Experienced Handler
This class will focus on building skills for competition. All types of handling will be addressed at a fast pace using experienced handler knowledge. Dogs will jump age-appropriate height. Contacts may be in sequence but at lower heights. Drills/exercises will continue to maintain criteria for contact, weaves and jump proficiency.
Prerequisites: Dogs should be able to sequence up to 10 obstacles
This class will focus on sequences commonly seen in excellent/masters courses. We will break down the course as needed focusing on foundation skills that need to be in place to successfully navigate today's upper level courses. Jumps do not need to be at full height. Contacts and weaves will not be included.
Distance Handling
Dogs are taught independent skills on all equipment, including contacts, jumps and weaves. Development of skills needed to work away from the handler for gamble-type courses will be included
Advanced Handling
Appropriate for dogs sequencing a minimum 10-12 obstacles and proficient with full height contacts/weaves. Coursework will focus on increasing the handlers’ understanding of lines and best path for the dog, while also working to increase dog skill, confidence and independence. Courses will contain masters level challenges, but can be broken down as needed for novice dogs. New students should contact the instructor to consult which class group will be a best fit for their team. The instructor reserves the ability to group dogs with similar skill sets together as needed.